Verification node setup

Instruction on the GitHub LINK


Be sure to read the instructions on setting up the #MetaHashGate node here


Latest version of Verification node is optimized to Ubuntu 20.

First of all, make sure, that you have next libs:
apt install gcc g++ liburiparser-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev git automake libtool make cmake libcurl4-openssl-dev libcrypto++-dev libgnutls28-dev libgcrypt20-dev

To install Node-Verificator, you need to have verf.cfg
Please create this file using the following example and put it to Node-Verificator/build/bin folder:

  "network": "net-main",
  "key": "0x30770..................................................",
  "port": 9999,
  "cores": [
      "address": "0x00fca67778165988703a302c1dfc34fd6036e209a20666969e",
      "host": "",
      "port": 9999

Please note: you need to enter your private key encoded base 16 in the “key” field. To do it, run the command:

openssl ec -in test.pem -outform DER | xxd -p

where test.pem must be replaced by the file name containing your private key. Enter the resulted data in the following string:

"key": "0x30770.................................................."

where "0x30770......................" must be replaced by your value. For more details about encryption, please read the article.

The next step to install Node-Verificator is running the commands:

1. apt install libgoogle-perftools4 libgmp10 liburiparser1 (these libraries are required for installing this particular deb package)
2. git clone
3. cd Node-Verificator
4. mkdir build
5. cd build
6. cmake ..
7. make
8. cd bin
9. ./verf_service ./verf.cfg

After running these commands, Node-Verificator will be launched.

Logs don't save to the file by default. To do it you need to use command > log