What is #MetaHash?
#MetaHash is the fastest and most secure cryptocurrency in the world working on the #TraceChain protocol.
#MetaHash Structure
The solution to the speed problem is based on an automatic self-learning
algorithm for routing signals over the network. Starting at a rate of
50,000 transactions per second (the capability of a 100-megabit channel),
it grows as more nodes with higher bandwidth are added to the
network forming the core of the network and improving the reliability of
additional #DataChains which are needed for running applications.
Nodes added to the #MetaHash network are used by decentralized applications.
The core code of #MetaHashApps optimizes the location of the application
copies based on required resources and financial motivation of
the owners of nodes connected to the network. Any developer can create
and publish an application in #MetaHashApps, and #MetaHashCoin holders
will decide by open vote whether or not to approve it, reflecting the universal
values of all the network members.
This is an open source interface using the #TraceChain protocol making it
possible to work with #MetaHashApps and networks. Third-party developers
can use the #MetaHashGate code to embed #MetaHashApps and #TraceChain/
blockchain features into various applications and browsers.
Read more about #MetaHashGate here.
The network's digital payment currency. It is used to ensure consensus,
to pay for all network services and to control self-financing. Recognised
by FINMA on July 3, 2018, as Utility token with payment function. #MHC
tokens are qualified as payment means in accordance with the AntiMoney
Laundering Act.
Updated about 3 years ago