#MetaHashGate Regular Forging FAQ

1. Can I forge by several wallets on one computer?

No, you can't.

2. Will be the reward different, if I'll forge more than 4 hours?

Every 4 hours of Forging give 1 share in 19,408 #MHC reward pool split between ALL forging wallets daily at 00:00 UTC.

3. How to check the sums of the MHC used to forging/delegation?

You can find the number of frozen coins on the #MetaHashGate forging page.


5. How to check the sums of the reward?

  1. You can find the history on the #MetaHashGate forging page.
  1. Click to "Reward history".
  1. Click to "ℹ" to find more information.
  1. You will be redirected to our blockchain #TraceChain.
    There you can see what you got the reward for.

6. How to stop the forging?

1022 1015 1021

7. How to see rewards for forging via venus.mhscan?

  1. Open https://venus.mhscan.com/ page
  2. Enter your address into "Search by address / Txhash / Block" field
1322 1290
  1. In the opening list of transactions, you can see the awards for Forging - they will come from the address "InitialWalletTransaction"

8. How to determine the reward source?

In the https://venus.mhscan.com/ you can see reward designation:

  • Coin reward forging transaction => from delegation to node;
  • Node reward forging transaction => nodes reward;
  • Wallet reward forging transaction => reward from the Regular (passive) wallet forging
  • Random reward forging transaction => random reward from Active wallet forging
  • MetaHashGather Award => reward from the MetaHashGather referral program.

9. What's diffrence between wallet forging and delegation?

For delegation - every day
MHC requirement:
100 MHC (fixed) for regular wallet forging/1000 MHC (fixed) for active wallet forging
512 MHC (min) for delegation
Online requirement:
Wallet forging - need to be 4 hours online minimum
Delegation - not necessary to be online