#MetaHashGate Active Forging FAQ
How do I choose the forging type?
If you want to start passive forging, choose the wallet with the 100 MHC, but less then 1000 MHC on the balance.
If you want to start active forging, choose the wallet with the 1000 MHC on the balance or more.
Click the start button.
Note! With engaging of the Active forging you'll automatically be included in the regular forging pool.
Can I use both types of forging from one PC?
Active forging grants you participation in the regular forging pool.
If you want to use just regular one - freeze only 100 coins (choose the wallet with at least 100 MHC)
How is IP determined? And what's the difference where I run forging?
We use the https://www.maxmind.com/en/home database it is important for us that real users would use this and not the datacenters (farms).
What does the sign of the High / Low chance mean in MetaHashGate?
It shows what IP participant uses for forging.
High chance = Only 1 computer forging from the same IP
Low chance = Multiple computers forging from the same IP
Why my chances are Low?
You have a dynamic IP.
You have more than one device forging (if you've switched it off already you'll need to wait 24 hours before the status of the chances update)
Why I'm getting 5 tickets (less tickets) instead of 10?
You're using VPN (public IP)
You're sharing your tickets with another device (even if it uses regular forging with 100 MHC)
If you've switched off the second device you'll need to wait for 24 hours before starting to get 10 tickets as before.
Tickets accumulated daily will be burned, or remain until the reward distribution?
They are going to be burned at the moment of reward block creation.
Are there any changes in the timeframe of reward distribution? First time on the 3d day?
Everything remains the same. First time on the 3rd day then every day as usual.
How the tickers are issued?
For every 4 hours of active forging 10 tickets are issued. Every 4 hours of regular forging give 1 share. In the case of using one IP by several wallets, the number decreases in proportion to the number of forgers. 5 computers will get 2 tickets (in case of active forging). So it makes no sense to run a few machines. If the IP is from the data centers then it gets 1 ticket in 4 hours. Tickets cannot be divided.
What is the maximum amount of tickets you can acquire daily?
Maximum are 60 for home IP and 6 for the public one, however more realistic average numbers are 50 and 5 (may be caused by lags and connection problems)
Can I use active forging with more than 1 pc at home?
There is no need in that, tickets will be shared between your PCs.
How forging session will be counted in case I’ve stated the forging using data-center connection and then proceeded at home?
The longest session will be taken into account.
The same way it'll be counted if you switch from one IP to another.
What is the difference between active and regular forging?
Different reward pools and the number of coins used for forging. 1000 for the active one 100 for the regular.
Every 4 hours of regular Forging give 1 share in 19,408 #MHC reward pool split between ALL forging wallets daily at 00:00 UTC.
Every 4 hours of Active Forging create tickets to a daily sweepstake of 174,674 #MHC shared between 1,000 random tickets.
What do I need to do with these tickets?
You'll get tickets each 4 hours online. Then more tickets you have, then a bigger chance to get a random reward. Max number of the tickets per day - 60. Every day at 00:00 UTC-0 number of tickets resets.
Reward pool for active forging.
40% — first place (~62,509.59 #MHC)
10% — second place (~15,627.4 #MHC)
5% — third (~7,813.7 #MHC)
4,15% — fourth (~6,485.37 #MHC)
3,35% — fifth (~5,235.18 #MHC)
9,5% — sixth to hundreds 0,01% by ~156.27 #MHC
18% — from hundreds to 1.000 by 0,02% by ~31.25 #MHC
How to know how much tickets participate in reward distribution?
On the #MetaHashGate forging page you can see the block with the number of tickets, which participated in Active forging reward distribution.

Updated about 3 years ago