#MetaGate Forging FAQ

1. When I’ll get the reward?

  • Rewards are paid every 24 hours. Coins can be delegated once again only after the cancellation of the delegation;
  • The reward comes every day at 00:00 UTC-0.

2. Can I forge and delegate at the same time from 1 wallet?

Yes, you can.

3. Can I forge by several wallets on one computer?

Yes, but you'll get only one reward.
After running the forging on the MainNet the user's computer will experience a load when forging. MetaAI, which checks nodes, identifies that the wallets are running on the same device, even if third-party programs were used to bypass this rule.

4. Will be the reward different, if I'll forge more than 4 hours?

No, reward will be the same.

5. How to check the sums of the TMH used to forging/delegation?

You can find the number of frozen coins on the #MetaGate forging page.


6. How to check the sums of the reward?

  1. You can find the history on the #MetaGate forging page.
  1. Click to "Reward history".
  1. Click to "ℹ" to find more information.
  1. You will be redirected to our blockchain #TraceChain.
    There you can see what you got the reward for.

7. How to stop the forging?

Click on the “Stop forging” button on the #MetaGate forging page and enter password.

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8. How to see awards for forging via mhscan?

  1. Open https://mhscan.com page
  2. Choose Transactions
  3. Enter your address into "Search by address" field
  4. In the opening list of transactions you can see the awards for Forging - they will come from the addres "InitialWalletTransaction"