Server setup FAQ

Below you find detailed instruction on how to install MetaHash network Proxy.

Where to get the private keys? (proxy_key)

You can choose best way for you. Let me describe few of them:

  1. create private key in MetaGate
  2. use bash script or python


Private Key

Private key in MetaGate can be in two formats: encrypted and unencrypted, for server need to use unencrypted (format of unencrypted you can see below)


How to get private key in MetaGate

If I want to change server IP, shall I create a new server?

You need to restart proxy service to apply config changes.

How to delete a server?

You need to delete a process related to this server from the list of processes running, i.e.
delete ./proxy

Node status check

Now you can see the node test information on the Coin Delegation page.
If the test were compleated successfully, there will be shown the results.
If the test were failed, here will be shown the problem.


Node tests results

How to check if your server is running properly

  1. run the command ps aux |grep proxy
  2. go to the page
    in order to check if it can be seen from external networks.


We do not provide any kind of support on configuring users' devices. We are able to assist
in resolving issues related to our services only.