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Installed Metagate version 1.20.2 but is getting the "MetaProxy is not running" message. Tried all the suggestions in: https://metahash.readme.io/docs/metaproxy-is-not-running but the problem persist - never solved. I am using Windows 10 operating system. Also tried to re-install the app but the same problem. What can be the solution to this???? NEED HELP!!!!!

Active Forging

dear admin how to daily get sweepstake of 174,674 #MHC shared between 1,000 random tickets.

Why after i download the MetaGate Wallet i cant open it?

I tried to update my MetaGate wallet but now nothing works...I deleted the old one and tried to reinstall but nothing happens whan i click on the desktop icon - and it says version 0.0.0 in the folder. Any help would be appreciated!

buy tmh coin

how to buy tmh coin

Forging Rewards

Hi, I tried forging on two different days now. I started forging with my wallet. (No Test MHC Wallet) I kept Metagate running >4h. But I cannot get rewards. Even Total forging time counter is still zero. What´s wrong?

how to install the MetaGate 1.19.0 on ubuntu-18.10-desktop-amd64

hi every body how to install the MetaGate 1.19.0 on ubuntu-18.10-desktop-amd64 steps in sequence respectively .

MHC wallet password is not working

Hi guys, MHC wallet password is not working . The wallet is hosted on Metagate. Is there any way to send the MHC to another wallet . I have private keys, but still it does not let me to send the coins without entering a password. Can anybody help?

Nueva versión METAGATE

Cuando va a salir una nueva versión de METAGATE?

Metagate isnt opening

Since the last update my metagate keeps stuck on the nslookup flushed, who can i get access?


Porque no obtengo ninguna recompensa por falsificación o forging?