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What is average number of days to get reard from tickets?

What is average number of days to get reard from tickets? I am active for almost 5 days without stoping and didnt get any reward from tickets. Thanks

Can’t connect to torrents. Will keep trying...

What should I do to resolve this?

Coin Delegation not recieving rewards

Hi, I have 26k coins delegated but I never receive any rewards, what's the problem?

провал кошелек

после переустановки приложения пропал один кошелек. актив остался а который я создавал пропал и средства на нем тоже пропали.

Metagate linux render crashed

When the application opens, everything goes blank. The log file shows the error below: MW: Render process exited with code: 159 Render process crashed I am using: Opensuse Tumbleweed + KDE plasma

Give me 1000 #MHC

MetaGather Application requesting permissions to access information on your account. Reading general information Reading user data Managing wallet list Reading list of wallets Reading list of wallets names All boxes must be ckecked to proceed Accept When i click on accept it get back to https://metagather.org/ Please help.

No Peer node/Home node reward since 23.10.

Hello, Since 23.10 I haven't got any reward for Node Forging nor Home Forging. Metaproxy didn't work since 23.10 I test all thinks that I have read here without success. And the your SSL Cert is expired since ?? for wss. Client...: MetaGate -- 1.20.5 prod af8c0f0 System: BunsenLabs Linux Lithium (Debian 10.x) X11.....: Openbox [log] https://nopaste.eu/p?q=ZVFVTjU [l/og] Kind regards, David.

Forging info not showing

Hi I have been forging and delegating for most of the day and I cannot see any information with what I received, it keeps showing the meta proxy is not running

i cant logi to my wallet from pc

hi i put my coin in forging it was work fine for more then a month and then i cant connect to my wallet anymore when i go to metagate page i get this msg in red color cant connect to torrents.will keep trying ... i keep getting this msg since last month

No forging or delegation rewards received 21 OCT 2021

I've not received any forging or delegation rewards today, which is the first time that's happened in the 3 months I've been running this. Is there a central issue? Certainly I had at least 16 hours of active and wallet forging yesterday, so I'd be expecting that to come through, even if my delegation was offline.